Wedding planners and catering company in Valencia
Weddings in Valencia that have been organised and catered by One Events are always a success. Experienced caterers in Valencia make all the difference to your wedding.
Wedding planners and caterers in Valencia, Spain
Events in Marbella as part of One Group in Spain have the elite wedding planners and wedding catering services in Valencia covered for all of your requirements. Our team of dedicated, knowledgeable staff are here to assist you and ensure that your wedding venue, celebrant, equipment, flowers, decoration, and much more are organised exactly the way that you want it, at exactly the budget you have.
As with all our event planning services in Valencia, we always send initial no-strings information, prices and images via email to help you gain the inspiration you need to start planning your big wedding day in Valencia!
Our event management team can pull together all aspects of any sized Event in Valencia, not only a wedding.
If you are organising a wedding in Valencia for someone else, or simply have some questions about the legalities or regulations about getting married in Valencia, Spain - we can assist you in all aspects. Our services extend far beyond professional wedding catering in Valencia and we can provide you with equipment hire for your weddings, design, entertainment and accessories for all types of events and weddings and much more.
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- Mallorca Wedding planners in Mallorca Wedding planners and catering company in Marbella organising and planning weddings in Mallorca and throughout Spain Wedding Planner Mallorca